Create Virtual Tour App in Unity with Hotspots in VR
In this tutorial, we’ll be learning to create panoramas and hotspots to create a virtual tour app in VR using Unity. Hotspots are regions on a photosphere that users can interact with. Each hotspot is associated with a panorama in this case.
Specifically, you’ll learn how to:
- Import panoramas as cubemaps & creating multiple cubemaps.
- Adding hotspots to these cubemaps & interacting with them.
- Teleporting to different pano’s using these hotspots.
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Getting started to create virtual tour app in Unity
I’m using Unity 5.6 for this tutorial with a Galaxy S7 Edge for the Gear VR. But the project itself should run on almost any VR platform given that the project is setup for the target platform. You need to setup Gear VR for Unity development first.
Now let’s begin. Create a scene in Unity by File > New Scene > Name it “Main”.
Panoramas and Cubemaps in Unity
Cubemap texturing is a form of texture mapping that uses a 3D direction vector (a fancy phrase that means nothing more than a direction) to index into a texture that is six square 2D textures arranged like the faces of a cube. Again consider the environment around you now. You can “capture” a 360-degree view of your surroundings by standing in one place and taking six photographs each at an orthogonal 90-degree view from the others
These cubemaps provide a simple method of environment mapping, in which distant scenery – such as skies and surrounding environments – is mapped to a panoramic texture(A texture is a surface or an object. in this case a panorama image). Under the hood, these textures are stored as a series of six images mapped to the inside faces of a cube.
Hence we map our panorama texture to a cubemap. To do this we need to import our texture as a cubemap. Any file you copy into your Project’s Assets directory is a Unity Asset. And the properties of these assets can be changed in their import settings. You can learn more about how Unity handles cubemaps here.
Creating panoramas & cubemaps
Copy the desired panorama into your @ProjectDir/Assets/ directory and select them to view their import settings in the inspector. Set the Texture Shape to Cube and hit apply. Unity will re-import the image and change it into a cubemap which we can use. You can find some demo panoramas here if you need them.
To view this panorama we set it as the Skybox in Unity. Skyboxes are a wrapper around your entire scene that shows what the world looks like beyond your geometry. They are rendered around the whole scene in order to give the impression of complex scenery at the horizon. Internally skyboxes are rendered after all opaque objects, and the mesh used to render them is either a box with six textures or a tessellated sphere or a Cubemap which we will be using.
To implement a Skybox create a skybox material. Go to Project View and create a folder called materials. It is usually advised to have assets of similar type in a base folder. You can use this structure as a starting point.
Each folder serves as home base for specific assets:
- Materials: Materials used for the scene including the blue bouncy balls
- Models: All the models
- Prefabs: Loose object prefabs
- Scenes: The game scene is in here
- Scripts: All the scripts
- Textures: The single texture shared by all objects in the scene
Now in our Materials folder. Create a Material by right clicking and Create > Material. Name it to Skybox.
Select the Material and change its Shader by selecting the dropdown > Skybox/Cubemap.
Our Skybox Material is ready.Let us add it to the scene by using the Window >Lighting menu item and specifying your skybox material as the Skybox on the Scene tab. Select your created Material by assigning it under Environment > Skybox Material > Skybox(our material name).
We’ve set our created Material as our scene’s skybox. If you notice the whole skybox in the scene is grey. That’s because we haven’t assigned any cubemap texture to our material. The texture that we imported as a cube can now be set to our Material. Select the Cubemap part of our “Skybox” material and assign our texture. You can see the changes in the scene view immediately.
Creating panorama environments for our virtual tour app
To create our virtual tour app we won’t be using these cubemaps as a global skybox but will create individual sphere’s with the cubemaps so that we can switch between different ones. The reason we do this is that although we can use skybox and switch cubemaps with that, we need to place hotspots in a relative position to the panoramas which cannot be achieved if we use a skybox. These individual spheres will work as separate environments and we switch between different spheres based on the hotspots inside each one of them.
To create our panorama cubemap sphere, in the Hierarchy > Create> 3D Object > Sphere. Set its Scale to (10,10,10) & Position to Origin & Name it to Hall Sphere.
As we create a material with a Skybox or CubeMap shader for our skybox we create a separate material with the same properties for each of our panorama cubeMap sphere. Here we going to create one for the Hall Panorama, from these demo images previously linked. Under Materials folder in Project View > right click > Create Material > name it to “Hall”. Under its shader dropdown select > Skybox > Cubemap. Assign the Cubemap component of the material to the Hall Panorama Image Texture imported as a cube in its import settings as described before.
Now we assign this material to our sphere by dragging and assigning it to the Materials component of the Sphere’s Mesh Renderer. You can see the panorama wrap around the Sphere. Simple as that!

Now we need to create more of these spheres depending on how many panoramas we need. I’ve used three in this demo. And we’ll be creating our hotspot Objects inside these sphere objects.
Creating Hotspots
The Flow for our Virtual Tour will be like this. We have 3 Panoramas – Hall, Kitchen and Dining Table. These paths are possible.
- Hall -> Dining Table.
- Dining Table -> Kitchen, Dining Table -> Hall.
- Kitchen -> Dining Table.
Since we’re dealing with sphere’s we can place the hotspots in a relative position to the center of our panorama sphere, because that’s where the camera will be. These hotspots are just sphere game objects.
For the Hall panorama, Select the Hall Sphere, then GameObject > right click > 3D Object > Sphere. Change its scale to (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) to make it smaller. This adds a sphere gameobject as a child object to our Hall Sphere. Since we can go to Dining Table panorama from here name the small sphere to Dining Table Hotspot. Set its Position to (-0.31, 0, -0.31) & Rotation to (0,44,0) so that it looks like it’s on top of our dining table when we look from the center of our Hall Sphere.
Now we need to add behavior to the hotspots so that when we tap on them we are teleported to panorama associated with that view as a Virtual Tour. We need to get our hands dirty with some code for that.
Create a Global Manager Empty GameObject in our scene. Add a script to it in the Inspector > Add Component > Type Name of the script TourManager > New script. It’ll compile and create the script. Open the script by double clicking on it.
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using UnityEngine; public class TourManager : MonoBehaviour { public delegate void SetCamerPositionHandler(Vector3 position,Vector3 direction); public static SetCamerPositionHandler SetCameraPosition; public Transform Camera; private void OnEnable() { SetCameraPosition += SetCamera; } private void OnDisable() { SetCameraPosition -= SetCamera; } public void SetCamera(Vector3 position,Vector3 direction) { Camera.position = position; Camera.LookAt(direction); } } |
We use this class with static delegates to set the position of our camera by calling them from their respective behaviors. Save the script and assign the Main Camera, in this case, our OVRCameraRig gameobject to the Camera property of the script.
Now let’s add behavior to the hotspots. Navigate to the Hotspot Gameobject in the Hierarchy and add a new c# script named Hotspot.cs to it in the Inspector Window.
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using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using DG.Tweening; public class Hotspot : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler { public GameObject ThisPanorama; public GameObject TargetPanorama; // Update is called once per frame void Update () { transform.Rotate(0, 0.5f, 0); } public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) { OnPointerExit(eventData); OnHotspotTransition(); } public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) { transform.DOScale(new Vector3(0.08f, 0.08f, 0.08f), 0.3f); } public void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData) { transform.DOScale(new Vector3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f), 0.3f); } public void OnHotspotTransition() { SetSkyBox(); } private void SetSkyBox() { if(TourManager.SetCameraPosition != null) TourManager.SetCameraPosition(TargetPanorama.transform.position, ThisPanorama.transform.position); TargetPanorama.gameObject.SetActive(true); ThisPanorama.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } |
In this behavior, we handle pointer event in VR. You can learn about that in another article at depth here. But basically, we are handling callbacks for PointerClick, Enter, and Exit events and call our methods accordingly.
In the Inspector we assign the Current Panorama Sphere gameobject to the ThisPanorama property and the Target Panorama Sphere gameobject to the TargetPanorama property.
In SetSkyBox() we call the TourManager.SetCameraPosition delegate and pass in the Target Panoramas position so that the camera can be set to that position. Since we’re using Skybox shaders for our sphere it is drawn on top of other similar material shaders in our scene. To fix that we disable and enable the Panorama Sphere’s using the SetActive() call.
In the OnPointerEnter andOnPointerExit callbacks we increase & decrease the scale of the hotspot so it grows on hovering and goes back to normal on exit. In OnClick we call the SetSkyBox() method.
Repeat the same for other hotspots as well, assigning their Panorama Sphere to the ThisPanorama property and Panorama Sphere you want to transition to from the hotspot to the TargetPanorama property.
That’s it our setup for vitual tour app in Unity is ready!
Building to a device
Since this if for VR we need to enable its support by going to Edit > Project Settings > Player. In the Window enable Virtual Reality Supported. Add or Remove SDK’s depending on what the target platform is and perform pre-build requirements.
Once all this is setup, press Ctrl+Shift+B (Win) or CMD+Shift+B (Mac) to bring up the Build Settings Windows. Click on Add Open Scenes to add the current scene to the Build.
Click on Build & Run to test on your device!
Virtual tour app in VR using panorama’s result
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Hi Kaushik,
I think you have missed some part. I am unable to render camera inside 360 cubemap. I also didn’t get how to setup OVRcameraRig and OVRPointerRing components in Hierarchy window. Can you please help me out.
Hello Shyam,
To set up your scene for Gear VR follow this post : .It goes into detail on how to set up the OVRCamera and the Gaze Pointer.
As for your camera render issue, the shader must be set to Skybox/Cubemap which should automatically render inside the sphere as well. Let me know if you’re still facing problems after this.
Hi Kaushik, i’m a newby and for this I follow all your tutorials mentioned in here. As Shyam my camera is unable to render cubemap from interior of the sphere. I try to use a planar map for the shader using a script to made the texture visible from interior and it works. I’m not sure if this can interfere with the rest of the tutorial. Unfortunately the pointer interaction with hotspot doesn’t work for me. All the Oculus libraries and adds-on have been imported in the project. The apk is compiled correctly. I began with firs tut called “create a gaze based ui for Gear VR in Unity. Then I continued with virtual tour app tut. Thanks in advance for Your help.
Hi Mimmo Oggiano,
For the interior to be rendered only thing need to be done is to set the material’s shader to Skybox/Cubemap. I’m sorry to know that you’re having problems with the Gaze.
I’ve uploaded the entire source of the project to Github. Here’s the link :
If you need further help with the pointer, please let me know precisely what the issue is.
Thank You for the Project link. I downloaded it and of course it works. Maybe the problem with my exercise about Your tutorial is caused by newest release of Oculus Utilities. Is it normal to see all the spheres from the OVRCamera as reflecting crystal material?
My goal is to apply stereo images starting from your tutorial. Thanks in advance.
Hi Kaushik ,
While building the project the inner sphere only rotate , since you are using Dotween plugin , can u help me on some detail of this plugin in this project because after completing everything, i didnt get output, i’m not getting camera inside sphere 1 in your case Hall . it is outside the sphere in centre to scene , i have followed gazed base ui tut but not getting output as seen in above video . And also gaze pointer is missing in the scene am i missing something ??
Thanks in Advance u are doing great :).
Hi Amrit Aryal,
Apologies for the late reply. In order to have our Camera centred, the camera and the first sphere’s transform should be at the origin. Let me know how it goes.
As for your other query i have uploaded the entire project’s source to GitHub. Please take a look at it for a much clearer explanation. Here’s the link :
If there’s anything else you need help with, you can email me. Willl be glad to assist.
Great Tutorial works a treat, newbie to unity here but how do I make it so when a new scene loads it starts off say pointing north and not the direction you are looking.
You can do that by changing the “y” value of the “Rotation” Property of the “Transform” Component of the OVRCameraRig.
Do you have this issue in the Editor or when running on your device?
I have this issue in playing game in Unity and running the app on my GearVR. Is not present in Unity editor. I solved the issue setting camera clipping range in OVRCameraRig. This value range is greather than single sphere radius but small of the distance between first sphere center and second sphere surface. In this mode other spheres are not included in the visual range of the camera. Finally, using Your project as template, I made a full stereo virtual tour with multiple hotspot and no errors for now. Thank You very much.
Hello Kaushik,
How do you avoid seeing adjacent spheres, placed right next to the hall sphere?
In my scene, when camera is placed the the hall sphere, it is possible to see smaller “Dining Table” and “Kitchen” spheres
Thank you,
Thank you for this tutorial! I am struggling through but I think I see know how to use cubemaps to create skyboxes. I’ll tackle the next piece tomorrow. Thank you for your help and comments!
@Mimmo Oggiano did you manage to solve this? “Is it normal to see all the spheres from the OVRCamera as reflecting crystal material?” I have the same issue….
Hi, sorry for ask, but how can i introduce an exit button where the user cant touch it when he wants. I try to introduce a canvas with an exit button but i cant touch it. Thanks for all
Hi, I created 2 spheres, A and B, my camera was in A. my question is, when I was in A, I can see the B spheres. just like “see through” the A sphere. anyone could help? thanks.
Thanks for this tutorial!
I downloaded the project and error messages came up in the updated version of unity. I found a fix for the script online and was able to get the project to run. however, in the game scene, I can not pan around the room or click on the hotspot. It is frozen from the start. Is this supposed to happen? can I only move around if I use my phone?
if inside the sphere we have to put the VR 360 video files. if the app and video is slow?
Could you please update your tutorial for Unity 2018.3 ? I would highly appreciate that.
With the newer Oculus Utilities everything is broken now.
Thank you
my camera is not rotating. i have just imported your full project but i can’t rotate my camera. will you please help me out
The tutorial is for an older version of Unity so the scripts will not work but the ideas are correct. I had a problem with rendering. The camera clear flags must not be set to skybox but solid color.
New updated tutorial using Unity 2019 will be out soon with support for Oculus Go and Quest.
@peterray1992 yes please, i think this could work with 360 videos too right? Thanks in advance
Yes, it would indeed work with 360 videos as well.
Just a suggestion for anyone struggling with trying to get the camera render the image on the sphere.
When I put the camera inside the sphere, the camera didn’t show the image, rather the sphere kind of became transparent and I could see through it. To fix that I just selected the camera in hierarchy and set “clear flags” to “solid color” in the inspector.