Positional Audio in WebVR
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use SpotLight
and PositionalAudio
to create a nightclub like environment in VR.
This is part of #DaysInVR series. View All VR Projects. Yesterday we learnt how to create a car showroom using collada objects in WebVR . Today we’re going to use SpotLight
and PositionalAudio
in WebVR to create a nightclub effect.
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Using Spotlights to create a nightclub
We’ll use multiple SpotLights
and tween its position around to create a nightclub light effect. We’ll use MeshPhongMaterial
as the floor material so that it reflects the lights to create the effect.
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var spotLight1 = createSpotlight(0xFF700); var spotLight2 = createSpotlight(0x00FF7F); var spotLight3 = createSpotlight(0x7F00FF); var spotLight4 = createSpotlight(0xE7C312); spotLight1.position.set(555, 10, 45); spotLight2.position.set(-15, 10, 35); spotLight3.position.set(-25, 10, 45); spotLight4.position.set(-25, 10, 25); function createSpotlight(color) { var obj = new THREE.SpotLight(color, 2); obj.castShadow = true; obj.angle = Math.PI/8; obj.penumbra = 0.2; obj.decay = 2; obj.distance = 50; obj.shadow.mapSize.width = 1024; obj.shadow.mapSize.height = 1024; return obj; } scene.add(spotLight1, spotLight2, spotLight3, spotLight4); |
We’ll use a tween library to move the SpotLights
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function moveLights() { tween(spotLight1); tween(spotLight2); tween(spotLight3); tween(spotLight4); setTimeout(moveLights, 2000); } function tween(light) { new TWEEN.Tween(light).to({ angle: (Math.random() * 0.7) + 0.1, penumbra: Math.random() + 1 }, Math.random() * 3000 + 2000) .easing( TWEEN.Easing.Quadratic.Out ).start(); new TWEEN.Tween( light.position ).to( { x: ( Math.random() * 30 ) - 15, y: ( Math.random() * 10 ) + 15, z: ( Math.random() * 30 ) - 15 }, Math.random() * 3000 + 2000 ) .easing( TWEEN.Easing.Quadratic.Out ).start(); } |
Adding Speaker and Positional Audio to VR
We’ll add a speaker object as our sound source in the Scene
. Adding an object is similar to the movie theatre in VR tutorial we did on before. We’ll position the object in front of the camera.
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var mtlLoader = new THREE.MTLLoader(); mtlLoader.setPath('/projects/day15/'); mtlLoader.setTexturePath('/projects/day15/'); mtlLoader.load('speaker.mtl', function(materials) { materials.preload(); var objLoader = new THREE.OBJLoader(); objLoader.setMaterials(materials); objLoader.setPath('/projects/day15/'); objLoader.load('speaker.obj', function(object) { object.position.z = -15; object.position.x = 3; object.position.y = 0; object.rotation.y = 3 * Math.PI/2; scene.add(object); }); }); |
For playing sound, we need an AudioListener
, AudioLoader
and PositionalAudio
. We’ll add AudioListener
to the camera,
load the audio and use PositionalAudio
in WebVR to place in at the speaker’s location. That way when the user moves his head, it feels like the audio is coming from the speaker.
var listener = new THREE.AudioListener(); camera.add( listener ); var sound = new THREE.PositionalAudio( listener ); var audioLoader = new THREE.AudioLoader(); audioLoader.load('dance.mp3', function( buffer ) { sound.setBuffer( buffer ); sound.setRefDistance( 30 ); sound.setLoop(true); sound.play(); }); |
Its your turn
Create your own customization of nightclub VR. Try adding different lights and multiple PositionalAudio
. Don’t forget to share your experience with it in the comments below.
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